Hi, my name’s Alexander but everybody calls me Alex I was born in Marcacaibo but I live in ojeda city, I’m twenty one years old and I study computer engineering at URBE.
I love The ice cream, I love the Italian, French and Chinese food, playing drums, playing soccer and softball(I’m in a softball team called “bravos”), surfing de net, talking with my friends on the net, listening music in my room.
I hate cleaning my room, the warm, Arabian food, washing the dogs.
My dream is to be a computer engineer and have a good work, travel to Mexico, get married and have a big family.
My opinion about English is a very good and easy language that could open a lot of door around the industrial world in all the planet and I like to learn different language.
I love The ice cream, I love the Italian, French and Chinese food, playing drums, playing soccer and softball(I’m in a softball team called “bravos”), surfing de net, talking with my friends on the net, listening music in my room.
I hate cleaning my room, the warm, Arabian food, washing the dogs.
My dream is to be a computer engineer and have a good work, travel to Mexico, get married and have a big family.
My opinion about English is a very good and easy language that could open a lot of door around the industrial world in all the planet and I like to learn different language.
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